Newsgroups: comp.dcom.isdn,comp.answers,news.answers,alt.answers, Path:!!hookup!!!!!!mv!!cherkus From: cherkus@UniMaster.COM (Dave Cherkus) Subject: comp.dcom.isdn FAQ Part 3 of 5: Getting ISDN Service Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Keywords: ISDN FAQ telecom Originator: Distribution: world Message-ID: Nntp-Posting-Host: Sender: (System Administrator) Supersedes: Reply-To: cherkus@UniMaster.COM (Dave Cherkus) Expires: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 12:00:03 GMT Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers) about ISDN. Organization: UniMaster, Inc. Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 12:01:05 GMT References: Followup-To: comp.dcom.isdn Lines: 201 Xref: comp.dcom.isdn:19529 comp.answers:13188 news.answers:48801 alt.answers:10736 Archive-name: isdn-faq/part3 Last-modified: $Date: 1995/07/01 18:41:28 $ Version: $Revision: 4.3 $ ------------------------------ 3.01) How do I find out about getting ISDN in my area? EURIE contact data: Country Company name tel / fax =========== ================ ====================== =================== Austria PTT Austria Mr Michael Schneider +43 1 317 30 39 +43 1 31 Belgium BELGACOM Mr Egied Dekoster +32 2/213.46.49 +32 2/921.02.13 Denmark Tele Danmark Mr Soren Christensen +45 3399 6940 +45 3314 5625 Finland Telecom Finland Mr Terho Salo +358 31 243 22 67 +358 31 243 23 83 Finland The ATC Finland Mr Matti Tammisalo +358 0 606 35 08 +358 0 606 33 22 France France Telecom Mr Pascal Meriaux +331 44 44 53 59 +331 44 44 75 50 Germany DBP Telekom Mr Volker Fink +49 6151 83 30 67 +49 6151 83 50 68 Greece OTE Mrs Vas. Danelli +30 1 611 89 96 +30 1 805 20 64 Ireland Telecom Eireann Mr John Lawler +353 1 790 10 00 +353 1 677 49 41 Italy Iritel Mr Rocco Gentile +39 65 494 52 56 +39 65 94 20 54 Italy Itacable Mr Rolando Bottoni +39 65 734 45 23 +39 65 7 34 48 05 Italy SIP Mr Bernardino de Rito +39 6 36 88 40 38 +39 6 36 44 88 Luxembourg EPTL Mr Hubert Schumacher +352 49 91 56 56 +352 49 12 21 Netherlands PTT Telecom Ms Corinne der Kinderen +31 70 34 32 473 +31 70 34 39 747 Norway Norwegian Telecom Mr Odd Egil Asen +47 22 77 71 22 +47 22 2 0 78 00 Portugal TLP Mr Antero Aguilar +351 1 147 797 +351 1 544 796 Portugal Telecom Portugal Mr Jose Brito +351 1 35 04 710 +351 1 35 04 197 Spain Telefonica Espana Mr Fernando Moratinos +34 1 584 96 81 +341 584 95 58 Sweden Telia Mr Peter Ostergren +46 8 713 17 99 +46 8 713 73 62 Switzerland PTT Telecom Mr Jean-Yves Guillet +41 31 62 72 27 +41 31 6 2 85 26 UK British Telecom Mr JM Pickard +44 171 356 8952 +44 171 796 9120 UK Mercury Mr Clive Curt is +44 171 528 2635 +44 171 528 2066 Australia: Telecom: 008 077 222 (voice), (07) 220 0080 (fax) Belgium: As from 01/01/94 ISDN is available in belgium on demand. All major switching nodes of the national telecom company BELGACOM are digital and a very fast increasing number of sub-nodes are converted to digital connections. BRA (Basic Rate Access) can be connected in less than a week in over 75% of the country. PRA may take longer depending on geographical location. Caller ID is available on ISDN in Belgium (using EURO-ISDN = ISDN fase 2 in Belgium) but only between ISDN devices although it may be hidden by the caller. BELGACOM: departement van de communicatie, ISDN-cel paleizenstraat 42 - 4de verdieping 1210 Brussel tel: 078/11.66.77 (free of charge) Canada: Stentor 1-800-578-4736 (fax back service) Germany: Deutsche Bundespost Telekom IfN - Ingenierubuero fuer Nachrichtentechnik Haidelmoosweg 52 D - 78467 Konstanz Tel: +49 7531 97000-0 FAX: +49 7531 74998 United Kingdom: British Telecom ISDN Helpdesk 0800 181514 from within the UK, +44 117 921 7764 from outside. Mercury Data Communication 0500 424194 from within the UK, +44 181 914 2335 from outside. North America: North American ISDN Users Forum (NIUF): see item above United States: I suggest that you call the local telephone service center office and ask for the name and number of the Marketing Product Manager for ISDN services. If the service rep cannot make heads or tails of your question, ask to speak to the local service center manager for complex business services. This person should be able to direct you to the right place. For the Bell companies, this position is normally part of the telephone company's core marketing staff at their headquarters location. Ameritech: 800-832-6328 Bellcore national ISDN information clearing house hotline: 800 992-4736 Bellcore's "ISDN Deployment Data", Special Report (SR) 2102. Bellcore document ordering: US: 1-800-521-2673, other: 1-908-699-5800 Bell Atlantic: 1-800-570-ISDN (pricing, availablilty, tariffs, applications or ordering) 1-301-236-8163 (access to above for international callers) BellSouth 1-800-858-9413 Cincinatti Bell 513-566-DATA Pacific Bell: 800-995-0346 - ISDN Availability Hotline (automated audio response) 800-662-0735 - ISDN Telemarketing (ordering information) 800-4PB-ISDN - ISDN service center Also, try the gopher servers at or GTE: Menu-driven information service at [800] 4GTE-SW5. Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky: 1-800-483-5200 Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Penn. 1-800-483-5600 Oregon and Washington 1-800-483-5100 California 1-800-483-5000 Hawaii 1-800-643-4411 Texas 1-800-483-5400 Nevada Bell 702-688-7124 (contact Lyle Walters) NYNEX: 1-800-438-4736, 800-GET-ISDN, 800-698-0817 or 212-626-7297. Rochester Tele. 716-777-1234 Southwestern Bell (Texas) Austin 512-870-4064 Dallas 214-268-1405 Houston 713-567-4300 San Antonio 512-351-8050 Southwestern Bell (Missouri) St. Louis 800-SWB-ISDN (800-792-4736) US West 303-896-8370 (contact Julia Evans) Combinet "BBS": By popular demand, the Combinet "BBS" providing information on ISDN availability in many areas of the US is now available via the Internet. The information is supplied by Bell Communications Research and various Operating Companies and is updated periodically as new information becomes available. To access the service, you may use the World Wide Web interface: or you may telnet to and login as isdn (no password is required). After entering an area code and three-digit prefix, the service displays the availability of ISDN. Also displayed is information about carrier installation prices and monthly charges. For those without direct Internet access, the service continues to be available on a dialup basis using a 2400 bit/sec modem at (408) 733-4312. Intel: If you want to know if you can get basic rate ISDN in YOUR LOCAL AREA (anywhere in the U.S>), call the helpful folks at Intel on 1-800-538-3373, and ask for extension 208. They have lots of good FREE info on ISDN availability, pricing, etc. (Ben Harrell) (Eric A. Litman) marc@Destek.NET (Marc Evans) (Al Varney) (Gerhard Bernot) (Jamie Honan) (David L. Markowitz) Peter Ilieve ( (Gerald L. Hopkins) (Gary C. Kessler) (Jim Fenton) (James - The Keeper) (stamp,scott) (Sven De Kerpel) -- Dave Cherkus ----- UniMaster, Inc. ----- Contract Software Development Specialties: UNIX TCP/IP X OSF/1 AlphaAXP AIX RS/6000 Performance ISDN Email: cherkus@UniMaster.COM Tel: (603) 888-8308 Fax: (603) 888-4598 Live Free or Die - New Hampshire has 3 seasons: ice, mud and black fly